Hindu Forum of BritainHindu Forum of Britain (HFB) is the largest representative body for British Hindus with over 420 member organisations from different regions around the country. HFB’s activities are broadly divided into three areas: public affairs and community consultation; capacity building and project development; and interfaith co-operation and relations to help build a cohesive and inclusive Britain.
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GOV.UK – Public Services all in one placegov.uk gives you easy access to government information and services. It uses simple language and presentation across the web, TV and mobile. Content is written in plain English, and you can read most of it in Welsh. Directgov works closely with government departments to bring information for the public all together in one place.
The Consulate General of India – Birmingham
National Hindu Students Forum UK (NHSF)
Representing over 10,000 Hindu Youth, NHSF is the largest Hindu student movement in Europe and aspires to build the foundations for a strong and vibrant Hindu community by establishing a youth orientated proactive agenda.
The National Council of Hindu Temples UK (NCHT) was established in 1978. It is the oldest and one of the largest Hindu umbrella bodies linking over 200 Hindu Temples and Faith Organisations and works with them for the benefit of the Hindu community across the UK